Minor Arcana Wands
The Tarot Wands Suit
Associations: Creativity, Willpower, Action
Astrological Fire Signs: Ares, Leo, Sagittarius
Cardinal Direction: South
I. Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands encourages you to follow your heart and live your passion. If you feel a strong pull towards a new project or path, but are questioning whether it will work, then this card gives you a gentle nudge to pursue your passion. You can always start out small, treating the project or idea as an experiment or trial. Then, if it feels good, keep doing it; and if it doesn’t, make adjustments and try again. Let your energy, dedication and motivation be your guides.
Reversed: The reversed Ace of Wands can suggest that you are finding it difficult to define your purpose in life and what you want to create. This lack of direction may sap your energy levels and leave you unmotivated and uninspired. As a result, you are often asking yourself if this is what you want in life and whether there might be something better elsewhere.
King of Wands
The King of Wands reminds you to lead your life with intent, vision and a long-term view. You have a grand idea of what is truly possible, and you will stop at nothing to see it through. Unlike the Knight who can be a little impulsive with his actions, you have the maturity to see your vision through right to the end and beyond. You achieve a lot because you are clear about your future direction and how you will get there – and do not waste your time on activities or relationships you believe will lead nowhere.
Reversed: The King of Wands reversed suggests that while you are in a leadership position, you are not ready to step into that role. You may be the creative or visionary person in your work, but you have not yet developed a sense of comfort with leading others towards your vision. You may need to work on your leadership skills or enlist the support of someone who has a natural talent at steering others towards a common goal.
Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands reminds you that you are upbeat, courageous, and determined. You are here to see through your creative visions and life purpose, even in the face of adversity and challenge. Highly self-actualized and self-aware, you know how to best channel your strengths and weaknesses to achieve your goals. You are optimistic and full of ideas to share with others. You know what you want and how to get it, and are masterful at engaging with others to achieve your goals. Stay fiercely determined and focused on your goals while being friendly and optimistic with those around you.
Reversed: The Queen of Wands reversed can also suggest that you may be more introverted than usual. Instead of being the social butterfly and center of attention, you prefer to linger on the sidelines and watch what is going on. That’s perfectly okay – honor your needs and feelings and don’t push yourself to be extroverted and ‘out there’ when you don’t want to be. You may also feel called to spend more time alone so you can connect with your inner self and hear your inner voice.
Knight of Wands
Knight of Wands shows the actual pursuit of that idea. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, you are charged up with energy, passion, motivation, and enthusiasm, and you channel that energy through your inspired action. You have a clear vision about what you want to create and, fueled by your passion and inspiration, you are now moving forward with leaps and bounds to turn your vision into reality. This card is your sign to go for it!
Reversed: The Knight of Wands reversed may appear when you are actively pursuing a personal passion project or hobby. A fire has been lit within you, and now you are doing everything to move this passion project forward. You have no intention of turning it into a raging success – it is simply for you to enjoy and channel your energy into.
Page of Wands
With the Page of Wands, you are inclined to give anything and everything a go. You embrace the opportunity to start out on a new journey or project and see where it takes you. You do not necessarily have a solid plan in place, nor do you really know where you are headed, but you are excited about the possibilities.
Reversed: The Page of Wands reversed suggests that you can feel the stirrings of something new emerging within you, but you don’t know how to turn it into action. You may have the seed of an idea or a general sense that something new is coming, but you are yet to express it in the world. You do not need to take action yet – in fact, doing so may be detrimental since this idea is very much in the early stages of formation. Just ‘play’ with the idea and let it grow, develop and blossom into what it wants to be. Do not force it; sit in the creative void and allow it to open up to you.
X. Ten of Wands
Too much. Overwhelmed. When this card shows up, it's never good. Generally speaking, it's the "I'm Wrecked" card. In most of my readings, regardless of the situation, there's just too much past history attached with drama and burden. No matter how many times you say, "I'm not going to bring up the past anymore," somehow you are still beating the same dead horse. It's not healthy. For anyone. No one can go to a job that steals a piece of the soul, or stay in a relationship that hurts them, or do anything that makes them feel less than whole. This card DOES NOT MAKE YOUR SOUL SING. But there's a message. Listen.
Reversed: You are caught between a rock and a hard place. You're like a perfect performer, painting your face every day, trying to make everyone laugh, while you fight back tears. You are unhappy. Painfully unhappy. Nothing in your life is working. Not one little thing. Not right now. You're just going to have to take my word for it: Summon some gratitude so you can move on.
IX. Nine of Wands
Do not fall off the top of this ladder! You worked HARD to get up there! This is about balance. That damn "balance" word again. The artwork on this card is perfect. You have it all, and if you don't stay balanced, everything goes, almost like a tightrope. Listen and hear me on this. No one, not one person can do you, but you. So, rest, be in stillness, so you can be you with 100% authenticity. There is no other way to be. Get that 20 minutes of meditation in, every day. So that you stay in balance. You have it all—now do what you need to do to keep it.
Reversed: Look out—we have a demanding boss or co-worker trying to push you off the ladder. Do not freak out. This is usually a boundary situation. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Respond. Don’t react. Look inward for resolution. Are you the one who's being obstinate? That’s OK…. Try to find a way to come at the situation with compassion. I think you’ve got this.
VIII. Eight of Wands
Things are manifesting quickly! Get ready for an influx of DM's! Appointments and texts. Shit is getting real. This is a super-positive card. Forward momentum on overdrive. Whatever was stalled is now zipping right into the fast lane. All green lights! Houston, can you hear me? We've got a go.
Reversed: Delay. Those "go" signs are really "pause" signs. With crazy jealousy. It's not super-great to be you right now. Breathe out the bullshit and breathe in the good shit. This is a temporary hitch. How you respond is everything. Be chill. Stay chill. Put your feet up a sec. Exhale. Inhale. Get through this.
VII. Seven of Wands
You gave it the old college try, but every single time you took two steps forward, you took four back. You are feeling touchy and defensive, and truthfully, you're pretty darn hard to talk to right now. I get it: Shit sucks. But you're doing that unattractive thing—cutting off your nose to spite your face. Nobody wants to have a conversation with someone who never takes responsibility for anything….
Reversed: Oh, is that forest dark and scary and all? You've lost your way. You feel completely hopeless and void of purpose. You can't just accept things for what they are and see beauty in the growth around you. You just plain feel sorry for yourself. There's a lot of poor me and not a lot of taking responsibility. Wah-wah only goes so far. You need to ask yourself if you can make some small changes to improve your life. Then do it.
VI. Six of Wands
YAY! Deserved success, feelings owned, promotions received! I ought to be screaming this stuff from the rooftops. You did it! Now take some time to enjoy what you've earned! Yeah, go on: Relish this victory. It wasn't all smooth sailing, and you so so deserve it.
Reversed: You've worked so hard and gave it everything you had. Unfortunately, this time it's not going to happen. And it's devastating. You feel so let down—dropped actually—right on your ass. Ouch! Your pride is all bruised. But the truth is, as with all Minor Arcana cards, it's just a passing phase. It's not like it's the Tower. You'll be OK. I promise. I know it feels, like, horrific, but really it's not.
V. Five of Wands
Competition. This is a hold-your-cards situation. It's not time to fold. Like at all. This is not the Five of Swords. No battles in the offing. But, well, something's up, and you need to stand firm here. Shit is festering. Especially at work—you don't need to be taking the raw wand of the deal here. Cover your ass. Double- and triple-check every single document. Lots of strong opinions at play, and lots of finger pointing. Don't back down. But don't go in looking like an idiot, either. Definitely know what your position is. Clarify your goal.
Reversed: What did I just say? Make sure you know the lay of the land! Misinformation and deception are HUGE in this conflict. Do you have all the right players on your team? Do you have all the correct information? Checking, checking.
IV. Four of Wands
Celebration. Safety. Home. You are sharing your light with others, and they feel it. You are in your absolute bliss zone. Everything is good. Your Root Chakra feels safe and happy and grounded, and your vibes are really fine. Like awesome. Love is freely coming and going. No worries. You are like a magnet.
Reversed: This is one of the few Minor Arcana cards that stays positive when Reversed, but with some itty-bitty annoyances. You want more time to focus on what lights you up, so carve out that time! It won't be easy. Reversals often come with a lesson. Learn it quickly now, and be on your way.
III. Three of Wands
You are on fire, and everyone knows it. Your star is burning bright. You've been working your sweet ass off, and it shows. This is Tarot's "Good Fortune" card. It reveals all the good stuff—weddings, career moves, and new, important relationships. All your plans will be realized to YOUR FULL INTENTIONS. Just like that. So, it's a magic card. Go get it, girl!
Reversed: Misunderstandings are making you feel needlessly isolated. I explain it like this: You send a text and the receiver misreads it, and then you send another one, and you try to clarify, only it just keeps getting more muddled, and sometimes you really should just use voice. As if that might help. You get the idea. You are having a tough time right now because nobody seems to get you. Meditate. It won't last for long.
II. Two of Wands
Contemplating your life's direction. You really need a few more hands on deck, and they're coming. A new partnership is in the works, and it's going to be awesome. You are really learning where you are good, but you need someone great to come with. You are starting to see that delegation—along with knowing when to let others shine—makes YOU look a lot better. Not just at work, but everywhere in your life.
Reversed: Your partner is unreliable and straight up doesn't see how awesome you are. If you are doing all the work and getting no love, it's time to GO. Like change the locks, get a new job, erase the shared Instagram account. You're not going to want to look at those pix anyway. You deserve to be treated with RESPECT. For real.