It’s Virgo season, and they, along with a few other signs are going to be very affected by September’s full moon on September 2nd. This phase is all about accepting your emotions and following your instincts. What are you feeling, and what should you be focusing on? Use this time to put your energy into the things you were manifesting this past new moon. Remember, it is healthy to feel your feelings and it is even healthier to work towards what makes your heart soar! Be on the lookout for unexpected inspiration and chances to open up to the people you care about most. Ask yourself- am I cultivating my relationships? Am I doing the things I love?
Now is the time to innovate new projects and develop existing ones. What have you been working on lately? What do you need to work on? Dive into your passions and don’t come up until something is done! The full moon is the time to set a strong foundation and build upon it as much as you can so that you will have something to manifest on in the new moon phase. Work on strengthening the ground under your dreams, and don’t let them slip through the cracks.
As in, choose your company wisely. Who you spend your time with will dictate your mood, your energy, and your morals. Make sure your company is filled with positivity and good vibes. The people you associate with should be genuine and uplifting. Being around the opposite will steal your joy and motivation, leaving you drained and unable to seize this moon phase.
Develop your relationships, both platonic and otherwise. Treat your friends and loved ones as if they are seeds in a garden. Water them, feed them with love, and watch them grow. The more love you give out, the more you will receive in return. Support those closest to you and they will do so for you as well, pushing you in the direction you need to go.
Your mind is full of wisdom, use it. Activate your brain and bring forth all of the tools and gifts you need to accomplish your destiny. Everything you need to succeed is already yours, all you need to do is claim it. Avoid complacency and allow yourself to stay encouraged. Get your mind into motion and don’t slow it down for anyone.
What are your plans for the September full moon? A ritual maybe? I highly recommend you give mine a try, you won’t regret it!
What Is Your Sign Saying?
Aries: Eliminate the background noise and focus on you. You won’t be able to be productive if you’re distracted by what’s around you.
Taurus: Stay close to the ones who care for you the most, open up about your passions, you never know when you’ll make a life-changing connection.
Gemini: Be open-minded and trust your gut. Whatever inspires you, whatever draws you in, go after it. Don’t spread yourself too thin, but instead realize what needs your attention most and zero in on that.
Cancer: You cannot move forward when you allow difficulty to hold you back. Let go of the past and focus on what’s ahead or you might miss your window. Allow yourself to evolve.
Leo: You’re tough Leo, but can you get in touch with your emotions? Realizing not only our strengths but our weaknesses as well is what allows for true growth and prosperity.
Libra: Take a break busy bee! You always have a full schedule, but what are you getting done? Take some time out to note what you are doing with your time. Is there any excess you can cut out to free up your busy mind?
Scorpio: Express yourself, don’t bottle up that creativity. Try your hand at arts and crafts to relax, unwind, and let those creative juices flow!
Capricorn: You tend to keep it all inside, right? Use this full moon phase to open up to those closest to you, the ones you can trust. Release your emotions and enjoy the peace of mind that follows.
Aquarius: What is important to you? Focus on that and build a life you desire, not one that others desire for you.
Virgo: Love is on the horizon for you, take the time to explore the relationship in front of you. Stay out of your head and conquer your fear of being vulnerable. You might just be obsessed with the results.
Sagittarius: One word. Transformation. New and exciting things are up ahead for you, don’t be afraid of change. Trust that what you’ve built will get you there and keep on building.
Pisces: Try not to get overwhelmed with your sensitivity. It’s hard when you’re feeling everything at once but stick to your meditation practice to remain grounded and logical.
For optimal peace and relaxation during your ritual, try a bubble bath! Check out this list I put together on my Amazon page of some of my favorite peace promoting items for your ritual bath! Remember, this ritual is yours and you should carry it out in the way that is most comfortable for you. Happy Full Moon!